最近看Artisan Bread Five Minutes A Day,破除了不少面包迷思。照他家做过瑞典limpa、法国pain d'epi、以及巧克力面包,都省事且美味。昨天依他们做美式软面包的方子自己配了一个抹茶面包的做法,实验成功。颜色很可爱,涂上薄薄一层蜂蜜吃,非常清香柔软。暂记备忘:
3 cup lukewarm water
1.5 tbsp granulated yeast
1.5 tbsp salt
80g sugar
20g milk powder (optional)
3 tbsp matcha powder
1 stick (0.5 cup) of unsalted butter
840g unbleached all-purpose flour*
0.5 cup raisins (optional)
1. melt butter and let cool. mix in yeast, salt, sugar, milk powder, matcha powder, and water.
2. mix in flour and stir with a spoon till all combined evenly.
3. fold in raisins.
4. add a lid to the 4-5 quart bowl. let the dough rise and collapse (top flattened), which takes about 2 hours.
5. store in the fridge and be sure to use within 7 days.
6. on the baking day, sprinkle flour on top of the dough and pull out a cantaloupe-size chunk (one third of the whole volume). shape quickly into an elongated ball and drop it into an oiled 9-inch nonstick loaf pan.
7. dust some flour and loosely cover it. let rise for 1hr 40 min (about 40 min if used without refrigeration--the dough is easier to handle when cold).
9. 5 min before baking, set oven at 350F.
8. paint some eggwash or melted butter. place it in the oven for 45 minutes or till the surface is golden brown.
9. let cool completely before slicing.
* I used about 120g bread flour and reduced the total amount of flour by about 10 grams.
Brown Butter Masala Cake
做了这个马萨拉蛋糕,朴香,不甜,从冰箱里拿出来冷吃,很喜欢。因为手头没有,把榛子/杏仁油那一勺省却了——其实印度商铺街区里很多卖这些油的,下次收一瓶来。这个蛋糕最初吸引我的,是那勺garam masala的香料混合。早上一杯咖啡,一块蛋糕,再两片涂了蓝莓果酱的烤面包,真是幸福死了(哎呀我早上吃的可不少)。
最近苏尚每早也喝咖啡,黑的,当药一般一气吞下。因为他困 - -。
最近苏尚每早也喝咖啡,黑的,当药一般一气吞下。因为他困 - -。
Sushant's Goulash soup
1 tbsp cumin
1/2 tbsp coriander seeds
1/2 inch stick cinnamon
1/2 tbp black pepper
1/4 Chinese chili pepper
1 cardamom
1 clove
1 chicken piece (around 1/2 pound)
Almost one huge carrot, cubed
1/4 huge Bombay onion
1/4 turnip
1/4 cup blackeye peas
Half salami cut into half inch piece
1/4 small beetroot
1/4 purple cabbage
2 huge tomatoes
Handful pumpkin cut into half inch cubes
A handful of cilantro
1 start boiling chicken for one hour
2 add carrot turnip blackeyed peas pumpkin salami, boil for another one hour
3 add tomato pieces, and all spices, boil for another 1.5 hour
4 add cabbage, boil for 10 min.
5 in the last 30 sec, add cilantro. salt to taste.
Amazing stuff. :D
1 tbsp cumin
1/2 tbsp coriander seeds
1/2 inch stick cinnamon
1/2 tbp black pepper
1/4 Chinese chili pepper
1 cardamom
1 clove
1 chicken piece (around 1/2 pound)
Almost one huge carrot, cubed
1/4 huge Bombay onion
1/4 turnip
1/4 cup blackeye peas
Half salami cut into half inch piece
1/4 small beetroot
1/4 purple cabbage
2 huge tomatoes
Handful pumpkin cut into half inch cubes
A handful of cilantro
1 start boiling chicken for one hour
2 add carrot turnip blackeyed peas pumpkin salami, boil for another one hour
3 add tomato pieces, and all spices, boil for another 1.5 hour
4 add cabbage, boil for 10 min.
5 in the last 30 sec, add cilantro. salt to taste.
Amazing stuff. :D
Chocolate Anise Cookies (Biscotti)
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon ground anise seed
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Line a heavy large baking sheet with parchment paper. Whisk the flour, baking powder, and salt in a medium bowl to blend. Using an electric mixer, beat the sugar and butter in a large bowl to blend. Beat in the eggs 1 at a time. Add the flour mixture and beat just until blended. Add the ground anise seed and mix well. Stir in the chocolate chips.
Form the dough into a 16-inch-long, 3-inch-wide log. Transfer the log to the prepared baking sheet. Bake until light golden, about 30 minutes. Cool 30 minutes.
Place the log on the cutting board. Using a serrated knife, cut the log on a diagonal into 1/2- to 3/4-inch-thick slices. Arrange the cookies cut side down on the baking sheet. Bake the cookies until pale golden, about 15 minutes. Transfer the cookies to a rack and cool completely.
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon ground anise seed
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Line a heavy large baking sheet with parchment paper. Whisk the flour, baking powder, and salt in a medium bowl to blend. Using an electric mixer, beat the sugar and butter in a large bowl to blend. Beat in the eggs 1 at a time. Add the flour mixture and beat just until blended. Add the ground anise seed and mix well. Stir in the chocolate chips.
Form the dough into a 16-inch-long, 3-inch-wide log. Transfer the log to the prepared baking sheet. Bake until light golden, about 30 minutes. Cool 30 minutes.
Place the log on the cutting board. Using a serrated knife, cut the log on a diagonal into 1/2- to 3/4-inch-thick slices. Arrange the cookies cut side down on the baking sheet. Bake the cookies until pale golden, about 15 minutes. Transfer the cookies to a rack and cool completely.
Nice recipe! The cookies had great texture and flavor. )
Chewy White Chocolate Chip Gingerbread Cookies
170 g butter
200 g white sugar (my way: 160g)
1 beaten egg
60 ml molasses
250 g all-purpose flour (my way, whole wheat pastry flour 240 g)
9 g baking soda
2 g ground ginger
2 g ground cinnamon
1 g ground cloves
2 g nutmeg (my way: skipped)
3 g salt
339.6 g white chocolate chips
100 g white sugar, for rolling (skipped entirely)
Beat together the butter with 1 cup of sugar in a mixing bowl until the mixture is smooth, and stir in beaten egg and molasses. In another bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and salt; stir the flour mixture into the molasses mixture by half cupfuls. Stir in the white chocolate chips. Refrigerate dough for at least 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
Scoop up a generous spoonful of dough, and roll it into a ball. Roll the ball in sugar, place onto an ungreased baking sheet, and flatten slightly. Sprinkle a little sugar onto the cookie, if desired. Repeat for the rest of the cookies.
Bake the cookies in the preheated oven until lightly browned, 10 to 15 minutes. Allow to cool on the baking sheet for about 1 minute before removing to finish cooling on racks.
Chewy White Chocolate Chip Gingerbread Cookies
170 g butter
200 g white sugar (my way: 160g)
1 beaten egg
60 ml molasses
250 g all-purpose flour (my way, whole wheat pastry flour 240 g)
9 g baking soda
2 g ground ginger
2 g ground cinnamon
1 g ground cloves
2 g nutmeg (my way: skipped)
3 g salt
339.6 g white chocolate chips
100 g white sugar, for rolling (skipped entirely)
Beat together the butter with 1 cup of sugar in a mixing bowl until the mixture is smooth, and stir in beaten egg and molasses. In another bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and salt; stir the flour mixture into the molasses mixture by half cupfuls. Stir in the white chocolate chips. Refrigerate dough for at least 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
Scoop up a generous spoonful of dough, and roll it into a ball. Roll the ball in sugar, place onto an ungreased baking sheet, and flatten slightly. Sprinkle a little sugar onto the cookie, if desired. Repeat for the rest of the cookies.
Bake the cookies in the preheated oven until lightly browned, 10 to 15 minutes. Allow to cool on the baking sheet for about 1 minute before removing to finish cooling on racks.
Photo from King Arthur Website |
原食谱在亚瑟王面粉烘焙大军网站。我这里的改动一是部分替换 all purpose flour 为 whole wheat pastry flour——更加健康,口感也不影响,另外是将大部分食材换算为gram计,比一勺一杯的衡量方便多了。
以下分量可以做一个8.5 x 4.5英寸的面包,四五个早餐人次吧。
- 320g All-Purpose Flour
- 41g Whole wheat pastry flour
- 14g sugar
- 5g salt
- 1/4 teaspoon (1.25g) baking soda
- 1 tablespoon (7g) instant yeast
- 227g milk
- 57g water
- 25g olive oil
- cornmeal, to sprinkle in pan
1) Whisk together the flour, sugar, salt, baking soda, and instant yeast in a large mixing bowl.
2) Combine the milk, water, and oil in a separate, microwave-safe bowl, and heat to between 120°F and 130°F. Be sure to stir the liquid well before measuring its temperature; you want an accurate reading. If you don't have a thermometer, the liquid will feel quite hot (hotter than lukewarm), but not so hot that it would be uncomfortable as bath water.
3) Pour the hot liquid over the dry ingredients in the mixing bowl.
4) Beat at high speed for 1 minute. The dough will be very soft.
5) Lightly grease an 8 1/2" x 4 1/2" loaf pan, and sprinkle the bottom and sides with cornmeal.
6) Scoop the soft dough into the pan, leveling it in the pan as much as possible.
7) Cover the pan, and let the dough rise till it's just barely crowned over the rim of the pan. When you look at the rim of the pan from eye level, you should see the dough, but it shouldn't be more than, say, 1/4" over the rim. This will take about 45 minutes to 1 hour, if you heated the liquid to the correct temperature and your kitchen isn't very cold. While the dough is rising, preheat the oven to 400°F.
8) Remove the cover, and bake the bread for 22 to 27 minutes, till it's golden brown and its interior temperature is 190°F. (24 min)
9) Remove the bread from the oven, and after 5 minutes turn it out of the pan onto a rack to cool. Let the bread cool completely before slicing.
- 高筋面粉 bread flour 350 g
- 全麦高筋面粉 whole wheat bread flour 350 g
- 温暖的水 lukewarm water 200 g
- 温暖的牛奶 lukewarm milk 252 g
- 盐 salt 7 g
- 白糖 sugar 76 g
- 大号鸡蛋一个 large egg one
- 菜籽油(或黄油) veggie oil (or butter) 50 g
- 干酵母 active dry yeast 10 g
- 奶粉 milk powder 20 g
- 干酵母放入温暖牛奶和温暖水中,静止10分钟至起沫;
- 大碗(足够大,要装得下两倍大的面团)里放两种面粉、盐、糖、奶粉,拌匀;
- 加入鸡蛋、油,以及起沫激活的酵母牛奶水,两根筷子搅到出现大面疙瘩;
- 用手和面,不用和到“三光”(手、面团、器皿都光滑),差不多圆面团出来了,弹性好,能随意折叠,也差不多能整个脱离大碗了,就可以鸟(大约要花小半小时?);
- 取出面团,把碗内壁用油薄薄地抹一下,面团放回去,封好碗,直接放冰箱冷藏室;
- 第二天在烘焙前3小时把碗取出冰箱,面团基本已发酵到两倍大小,把里面的气泡按出来,不必仔细揉(punching it back will suffice);
- 这时面团就是个大厚片状,放在油过的案板上成形(先折再卷,详情不表),放入13寸土司盒,用保鲜膜封好;
- 室温下等待面图案回暖,酵母再次工作,大约两三小时。如果准备用土司盒盖,等面团高至接近顶部时,盖上盖子;如果不用,则面团高过盒子顶部1寸左右时即可。
- 预热350F的烤箱,放进土司盒。20分钟后把盒子旋转180度,均匀受热。再20分钟,查看烘焙程度,表皮深金黄即可。整个烘焙长大约40-55分钟,看情况。
- 把面包叩出来,室温放凉至少1小时。之后可以密封保存。室温下的面包柔软,如果冰箱冷藏,则更加容易切片。土司片烤过之后,似乎也没什么区别。
- 面粉 unbleached all-purpose flour 5 cups / 625 g
- 烘焙苏打两撮 baking soda two pinches
- 菜籽油 veggie oil 4 tbsp / 60 g
- 酸奶 yogurt 5 tbsp / 75 g
- 盐 salt 2 tsp / 12 g
- 白糖 sugar 2 tsp / 8 g
- 干酵母 active dry yeast 8 g
- 温暖的水 lukewarm water 1.5 cup
- 洋葱籽适量 onion seeds(optional)
- 干酵母、糖放入水中,静止10分钟至起沫;
- 大碗里面粉、苏打、盐,拌匀,加入油和酸奶,再倒入酵母糖水;
- 两根筷子使劲拌倒面疙瘩出来,后面办法和面包的基本一样,只不过室温发酵,两三个小时左右,看面团变得两倍大;
- 烤箱里放比萨石板或比萨盘,预热550F;
- 把面团里的气泡揉出来,揪高尔夫球大小的面,搞成薄片(手压、手拉、擀面杖都行),这时可以撒些洋葱籽在上面,轻轻按压进面团;不撒也无所谓;
- 我差不多是四个薄片一波,放比萨盘上,烤5~6分钟出炉。三、四波就全完成。出炉后可以涂点ghee(clarified butter),我没有,觉得还是健康点好。晾凉一会儿就密封吧,省得失水太多。
![]() |
Fruit Cake, photo from the original recipe mine looked very much like this though |
早餐面包做过含有鸡蛋和牛奶的牛奶面包——前两天用全麦高筋面粉 / whole wheat bread flour代替方子所用的一般高筋做过一个变化版(大约30%普通高筋,70%全麦高筋),效果很好,也更健康;后来读了书说这样的替换要适量加些水,下次可以更进。也做过亚瑟王面粉烘焙大军的这个手工面包 / pain de mie,不含鸡蛋,但黄油用量较多。比牛奶面包紧致,也很香,而且它的面团是我经手的手感最好的面团,极快就成形,柔软弹性,揉着舍不得放手。不过苏尚说这个面包有时候引发heart burn(胃酸),我似乎也有感,所以就不准备再做了。
馕的方子试过三种——正宗馕用Tandoor炉烤,咱目前没条件。我找到的方子有的用pizza stone(和pizza pan异曲同工,但石头的吸热和辐射力似乎更好),有的用grill直接烤——我都是在比萨盘 / pizza pan 里操作的。先尝试了这种用了一半全麦粉的:原方子没有标注,但显然用的是漂白过的全麦粉,而我用的red whole wheat flour,不论颜色和质地都很不同,做出来偏干,口感也更粗旷,苏尚说更像印度的Chapati(我也同意。。)。然后用过这种方子(原方子基础上外加半茶勺baking soda能帮助馕在烘烤时起泡),出来的形态和照片类似,长得不怎么像馕,质地白而紧,味道只是略有些馕的余韵,虽然吃起来倒也很香。试过的第三种舍牛奶而用酸奶,面团比上一种湿得多,比较难弄,但烤出来的形态和正宗馕很像(比照片上像多了),味道也不错,但我觉得我double整个方子时也double了酵母用量,可能没有必要。这次发酵时温度和酵母用量合力,或许over-fermented了,从书上看到,这种状态下酵母过量吞噬了面团的糖分,出来的面包就有微酸的味道。下次可以1.5倍酵母,并在较冷的地方发酵。
小食类除了一开始做过的Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Skillet Cookies,后来做过Lemony Olive Oil Banana Bread(我外加了些核桃仁)和节日水果蛋糕——我水果上用了dried cranberries、preserved pineapples和一些质量较好的marmalade(Mrs. Bridges, 35% fruit content),略去干果,用了白兰地浸泡水果,以及出炉后用菠萝朗姆酒刷蛋糕(pineapple rum,我们做Piña colada的原料之一)。这三个东西都相当精彩,以后均可重复实施。

P.S.: among many of my discoveries through baking practices is the one about 中国红糖,我们做姜糖水的红糖,似乎是这边中产阶级在向往“健康、有机、天人合一”人生态度之中所追求的糖,学名Muscovado sugar,在富于“边陲异国情调”的牌子下可以买到,价格也相应的非常之“中上产”。我有了这个发现之后觉得很欢乐,下次回去叫我爸给我买一箱搬过来。
把最近做的牛奶面包RECIPE记一下,是为 13 x 4 英寸土司盒的容量搭配的——我们买的是USA Pan的防粘带盖土司盒,极好用。这款面包香,柔软,也有嚼劲。这么大一个面包,可以分成8份,够我和苏尚四天的早餐;面包比一般买来的土司筋斗,等体积之下更加丰盛。【RECIPE基于文怡的牛奶土司,有调整改动】
550 g bread flour (高筋面粉);
70 g sugar (细白糖);
3 g salt;
7 g active dry yeast;
2 large eggs;
33 g dry milk powder (我用的印度奶粉kawa, very rich, 23g足以);
33 g unsalted butter;
264 g whole milk.
1. 将牛奶温一下,加入干酵母,停5分钟。
2. 将面粉、糖、盐、鸡蛋、奶粉倒入大碗里,用筷子或勺子搅开,再把有酵母的牛奶倒入大碗,继续搅搅(注意不要让干酵母直接碰到纯盐或纯糖,否则会脱水失效——死掉?)。
3. 把黄油块往手上涂涂,下手和面。黄油可以留在碗里,什么时候面开始粘手了,就用黄油涂一涂,慢慢的就把全部黄油均匀和入面团了。
4. 和呀和。这个面团粘性不很大,所以比什么比萨面基、馕的面团都好弄。不过要揉到光滑、柔软、延展、小颗粒基本消失,我花了一个多小时。。。(最近觉得边揉面边看电影很有减压功效,所以认了)
5. 大碗底部用油薄薄地抹一下,面团放进去发酵。盖严实了,先等45分钟到1小时,看面团变两倍大。
6. 把里面的气泡揉出来,平均分6等份,各自揉成圆团,放回碗里盖上,等10分钟。
7. 10分钟后一个个拿出来,再把气揉出,捏成长的扁片(用手用擀面杖都无所谓),卷成蜗牛壳状(可参见文怡博客里的照片)。
8. 6个蜗牛卷收口冲下,依次码入土司盒,盖上盖,继续发酵45分钟,卷们膨胀到盒子3/4处(差不多就行,无须苛求)。
9. 烤箱预热300F,中层放入土司盒,烤40分钟出炉。直接将面包扣出来,晾凉,密封保存。(注意:我这里的材料用量将使面包在烘烤当中,依土司盒的内壁膨胀成长方体,和文怡照片上不同。)
Serves 8. Good with jam (marmalade, etc) and black tea, or to have plainly with soy-milk or coffee. Good for making French toast as well.
550 g bread flour (高筋面粉);
70 g sugar (细白糖);
3 g salt;
7 g active dry yeast;
2 large eggs;
33 g dry milk powder (我用的印度奶粉kawa, very rich, 23g足以);
33 g unsalted butter;
264 g whole milk.
1. 将牛奶温一下,加入干酵母,停5分钟。
2. 将面粉、糖、盐、鸡蛋、奶粉倒入大碗里,用筷子或勺子搅开,再把有酵母的牛奶倒入大碗,继续搅搅(注意不要让干酵母直接碰到纯盐或纯糖,否则会脱水失效——死掉?)。
3. 把黄油块往手上涂涂,下手和面。黄油可以留在碗里,什么时候面开始粘手了,就用黄油涂一涂,慢慢的就把全部黄油均匀和入面团了。
4. 和呀和。这个面团粘性不很大,所以比什么比萨面基、馕的面团都好弄。不过要揉到光滑、柔软、延展、小颗粒基本消失,我花了一个多小时。。。(最近觉得边揉面边看电影很有减压功效,所以认了)
5. 大碗底部用油薄薄地抹一下,面团放进去发酵。盖严实了,先等45分钟到1小时,看面团变两倍大。
6. 把里面的气泡揉出来,平均分6等份,各自揉成圆团,放回碗里盖上,等10分钟。
7. 10分钟后一个个拿出来,再把气揉出,捏成长的扁片(用手用擀面杖都无所谓),卷成蜗牛壳状(可参见文怡博客里的照片)。
8. 6个蜗牛卷收口冲下,依次码入土司盒,盖上盖,继续发酵45分钟,卷们膨胀到盒子3/4处(差不多就行,无须苛求)。
9. 烤箱预热300F,中层放入土司盒,烤40分钟出炉。直接将面包扣出来,晾凉,密封保存。(注意:我这里的材料用量将使面包在烘烤当中,依土司盒的内壁膨胀成长方体,和文怡照片上不同。)
Serves 8. Good with jam (marmalade, etc) and black tea, or to have plainly with soy-milk or coffee. Good for making French toast as well.
照片来自skillet cookie原食谱 :P |
情人节那天,我买来全麦面粉,动手做了一种介于蛋糕和COOKIE之间的东西(Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Skillet Cookies Recipe),因为用的百分百是全麦面粉,质地有些像酥软的消化饼干,夹着细软的苦甜巧克力。折腾一个多小时,臂膀酸痛大脑空白。到苏尚捧着花束进门的时候,温暖的香气却盈满了整个公寓。这是第一次,很成功。
后来我四处收集了不少食谱,有健康平凡的牛奶土司,也有需要印度香料的蛋糕。并且预备买一块做比萨饼的石板,来做馕——这个如果成功,则会显著提升我们的日常生活质量,因为馕(或求其次,pita)是最经常的主食。更新鲜,更经济,更可靠 :)
今晚心血来潮做了芝麻酱糖烧饼。面的主料参见这里,芝麻酱料参见这里(我没有用炒熟的面粉)。烘烤时因为放在箔上,导热没有烘焙盘好,需要20分钟时间。味道很好,可以早餐 :D 下次能改进的是:听我妈建议,先用少量热开水化尽红糖,再和芝麻酱调匀。(这次酱料里有小颗粒的红糖,在烧饼成型时容易破。)此外,可以在涂抹馅料之前,用油多层地擀平面团,到时候会更疏松香脆。
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这是豆瓣上ake的插图。 |
新年圣诞的大假期后,我又开始工作。不紧不慢,顺其自然,做一分、是一分——“自律”这件事依旧困惑我,因为漫长往复的经验证明,每当我雄心一起决定自律,就在自我加压下全面沦陷。我想,每个人都会慢慢总结出适合自己的节奏,自律也好,专业阅读也好,写作也好。恒定的妙方是没有的。此外,在好友的帮助下,我克服了巨大的焦虑,迈出继续研究项目所必须的一步。我觉得这也是我专业经历的一个里程碑,日后记起来,一定会很感慨。(谢谢gege ^.^)
照顾苏尚用了鸡肉;我一人手持菜刀将去骨鸡腿肉剁成肉糜!另外,做了一小锅野米饭(wild rice),野米口感非凡,也香,正和这道菜拌起来吃。我还觉得下次最后下炒过的肉糜时,把野米饭也下了,在这个基调下炒饭效果肯定不差。
调料:橄榄油4汤匙 料酒1汤匙(15ml) 白胡椒粉1/4茶匙(1克) 生抽2汤匙(30ml) 老抽1/2茶匙(3ml) 糖1/2茶匙(3克) 香油1/4茶匙(1ml)
1) 将酸豇豆放在清水中浸泡20分钟后洗净,然后用手攥干后切成5mm的小粒。
2) 肉馅放入碗中,倒入料酒,老抽,橄榄油,白胡椒粉抓拌均匀后腌制5分钟。姜去皮切碎备用。干辣椒也剪成小段儿。
3) 锅中倒入油,大火加热待油7成热时放入肉馅,迅速炒散至肉变色变熟后捞出。
4) 锅中继续倒入一些油,大火加热待油4成热时,放入姜末和辣椒段,炒出香味后,放入酸豇豆粒,改成中小火,煸炒至少3分钟以上。
5) 放入炒好的肉碎,再放入生抽,糖,翻炒均匀后继续炒2分钟,淋入香油即可。
Someone Like You
Adele: Someone Like You.
一种内容抽象的怀旧和蓦然回首——没有"I'll find someone like you"的所指,却感到那个you就是从前的自己。历经事故,蜕变了很多层,再回顾不觉唏嘘。如果时空分岔并行,我也真的愿意对多少个可能的自己说I wish nothing but the best for you。回不去了,沧海桑田,想对换吗?又并不。
P.S.: 这里有一个Glee混杂(Mash Up)的Adele这支歌和另一支Rumor Has It。我看Glee出于很复杂的原因(包括某种学术好奇),大部分时候也看得很哑口无言或者三心二意。而忽然总有歌舞,一下子跃出前后紧缚的脉络(说到这里真的开始学术了),打击到心里。比如这支Rumor Has It / Someone Like You。反复播放很多遍,每次Santana接过来一句“Don't forget me, I beg”,都有五雷轰顶之感。。
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